Posted by: transparencynz | January 27, 2016

New Zealand corruption reality check

corruptionTransparency International  has just published the corruption index for 2016 and it would appear that  NZ is  on the downward slide

The herald reported in an article headlined

Stonewalling and strange deals: Has NZ become more corrupt?   that New Zealand’s public sector is the most corrupt it has been in almost 20 years

On the other hand we believe that    the  public sector is very corrupt  but   we are now getting more exposure on  that which has  previously been carefully  concealed.

Transparency Intentional New Zealand  published a Media Release Document  in which Susan Snively states

“Our government must act immediately to reestablish New Zealand’s stand-out reputation for a trusted public sector”. says Transparency International New Zealand Chair, Suzanne Snively. “New Zealand trades on its corruption free reputation.”

Snively’s comment proves  the   short sighted focus of Transparency International New Zealand  inc of keeping   the  corruption free appearance alive.

We can only hope that    Transparency International NZ is encouraging  our government to take a hard line   and  enforce  the law against those who are corrupt rather than  pretend it is not happening.

We support Transparency internationals statement that ” Not one  single country anywhere in the  world  is corruption free ”  so why does Susan Snively   wish to give  New Zealand the apparition of  being corruption free?   As an economist  she apparently  sees this as a good move for the economy.  We  see her efforts as  encouraging the  concealment of  corruption  there by making the country  a very dangerous place to trade in .

There are two ways to improve the  corruption perception index

  1. convince every one that there is no corruption by suing those who  are whistle blowers  or  show any hint of exposing corruption .
  2.  prosecute  those  who  engage in corrupt practices  so as to  discourage others.

From and economist point of view it is much cheaper to conceal corruption  and  in New Zealand              transparency International NZ incorporated in our opinion  appears to play  a vital role in the concealment of corruption  as  its members  include  the  very Public sector  agencies  whose performance is being rated.

We encourage the truth   and transparency when it comes to corruption   but Transparency International NZ ‘s Susan Snively  appears to have  a severe conflict of interst   see

What does Transparency International – New Zealand Know about corruption ?

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