Posted by: transparencynz | April 18, 2017

Was Neil Wells censured ? is this why this animal welfare lawyer has gone?

While researching    a lawyer I had cause to look at the list of lawyers who have been censured, struck off or dealt with  by the law society

I came across one item “Name suppression granted to censured lawyer”  everything about it screams  Neil Wells to me

looking at the detail in this matter and snip bits  that I have  picked up over the years.

I have known all along that Neil Wells  was counting on a hefty chunk of the estate of one old lady in  Titirangi , the lady had  no family and supported animal welfare.

Even in the early days  she  was  involved with the various animal welfare projects in Waitakere city .

she wrote this letter in 1996 and there was a response from Tom Didovich . this was just afterNeil Wells had published his plans for his own business plan  as set out in the territorial animal welfare services  document he  produced.

the letter indicated that  that she had been told something and was checking it out for herself.

Neil Wells was also in the process of writing the No 1 bill for the animal welfare act  , and into the bill he   inserted    the ability for  other organisations other than the RNZSPCA to become  law enforcement powers under the new legislation .

Neil Wells became ” independent” adviser to the select committee and as soon as the  bill became law he made an application   under a false name .

He told the minister lies  and  misled Maf    with regards to the structure and nature of  the Animal welfare institute of New Zealand.  he operated it from the council premises and rebranded the council buildings  so that they looked as thought  they were  a private organisation.

In 2006 when I asked  questions  with regards to the lack of existence of AWINZ (  animal welfare institute of New Zealand ) Neil Wells concocted a trust deed for a similarly named trust   he stuffed up on the dates  and formed the trust   for a date three months into the future of when the application was made . according to these affidavits  the trustees never met  and as a result two trust deeds materialized  this one  and this one   you will note that the  center pages of the second one are different .

So The old lady who I presume was his client in the censure matter  was not the only one to be deceived , but she must have smelt a rat years later when Neil Wells moved to Te Kuiti and  was telling people at the local SPCA that he was getting her money.

Neil Wells at the time was  the chairman of Te Kuiti RNZSPCA   and  set in motion the charities demise .

In 2016 He did not renew his  practicing certificate

I very much suspect that the item  above relates to him.  this fine upstanding  citizen  who  lied to the minister  is still being protected .  he was held up  as being a person with an impeccable   nature and I am the tart who defamed him.

But How do you defend defamation when the statutory defence of truth and honest opinion  are denied  by the court.

Hardly a fair  go is it.  Andrew little would have lost too if he  could not have had a jury  or a defence. You denied me  the defence of truth and honest opinion, broke my marriage up  and you call yourself a christian.

Neil Wells when are you going to  admit your sins    You will be judged.

Its not how we are judged in this world its  how we are judged in the next..    my conscience is clear  how is yours Neil Wells?

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